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Lisa Coris San Francisco, CA
Lisa can best be defined and over-simplified (at least for the sake of a biography) as one part world traveler, one part treasure hunter + gatherer, one part chocoholic, one part creative recruiter, one part bauble-maker / crafts person, and one part mamma. Since moving to San Francisco in 1996, Lisa caught the travel bug and has been trying to see the entire world ever since, taking bagillions of pictures and gathering beads from everywhere she goes (India, Bali, Morocco, Egypt, Colombia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Ecuador, and on and on.) In part fueled by “chocolate bar energy,” Lisa enjoys combining beads from her travels with beads from her garage sale, thrift store and flea market treasure hunts over the last 16+ years and has made thousands of unique and whimsical one-of-a-kind-always-asymmetrical baubles. When she’s not making necklaces (or hunting down beads) Lisa works as a full-time creative matchmaker, pairing advertising and design candidates with their dream jobs while simultaneously raising her four year old son, Yo Yo, an emerging artist himself. Not surprisingly, he makes amazing Cheerio necklaces ....and don’t get us started on his dry pasta line.