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Lesley Ware
I’m Lesley Ware, a fashion-as-self-care advocate and maker. I am the author of three books—Sew Fab: Sewing and Style for Young Fashionistas, My Fab Fashion Style File and How to Be a Fashion Designer. As a joyful leader and pioneer in the world of fashion education and design, I help young people expand their creative talents through personal style. I have developed and led specialized education programs with several institutions, including Parsons School of Design, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Times Student Journeys and New Visions for Public Schools. I have contributed to Martha Stewart, Sew News, Clam, KiKi and more. In 2008 I founded The Creative Cookie, a blog that was a behind-the-scenes look at New York’s fashion scene. Now I’m designing my second collection, creating what I call “quirky girl bridal wear” inspired by my recent nuptials. Upcoming projects include the release of my fourth and fifth books and this collaboration with Creativebug! I live in New York with my husband and two kittens.