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Knit Edging
81 users recommended this class to a friend
Loretta B-OB
Very lovely edges. I am sure to try some of them. However, I would say that it must be very confusing for a beginner or intermediate knitter, since your knit stitches are sometimes done inserting the needle into the front of the stitch and sometimes into the back of the stitch. One has to be very familiar the structure of knitting to be able to see when you need to do each of them, or you will get twisted stitches. I noticed this first when I saw that you put the cast on stitches onto the needle backwards to what I do, and then you had to knit into the back of all the stitches except the last one. The same happens with the way you pearl. I think it must have something to do with the fact that you use continental stitching, whereas I usually use American. Anyway, thanks so much for the ideas.
More than 3 months ago
Isabel Cueva-Fernández
What a great class! Very clear instructions and beautiful projects. Thank you so much!
More than 3 months ago
Susan Gagnier
I learned some new edging techniques. My only problem was I found the continental knitting distracting. It would be nice if a hat pattern accompanied the edging, too. All in all, enjoyed the class.
More than 3 months ago