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How to Mend Clothing
463 users recommended this class to a friend
When seeing that this class was about "mending clothing", I'd have to say I was excited! Unfortunately, I was mislead! This ENTIRE class was really about being lazy in the "HOW-TO" to ACTUALLY benefit from using any of these.. these, letdown techniques. I.. feel as if I was more or less lied to and it took too long for me to realize that I was "bamboozled" but I watch these videos just give them the benefit of the the doubt.. I wish I could apologize for what I had typed but alas, if I did, would it actually make things better? In that case.. here's my indifferent emotions regarding said-non-apology. Though, I still best of luck to these in hopes that they help someone else. ??
February 17, 2025
love how much time she spent actually darning holes in different materials so you can actually see how to do it in a real situation
January 19, 2025
M Skye
This was very informative. The camera work was good, allowing a full view of the methodology in addition to the voiceover. Thanks.
December 26, 2024