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English Paper Piecing
660 users recommended this class to a friend
Alexa Brett
Excellent. Liza provides clear instructions and makes it feel possible. Thank you for putting together such a helpful class.
5 days ago
Ella Gabriel
I was very curious about what exactly English paper piecing was. This class taught me a lot and now I feel confident in trying it out as a beginner quilter. Liza Lucy has a great personality and she is very thorough in explaining all the components of this art. I like that she offers various methods for piecing.
More than 3 months ago
Alex vanLangeveld
Great informative class. I don’t have time to start yet, but it answered all my questions for when I am able to begin! Thanks!
More than 3 months ago
Angela Campbell
I've always wanted to try this but have been intimidated by the hand-sewing. This video gives me inspiration and know-how to give it a shot. Thanks!
More than 3 months ago
Cyn Massey
A new craft!!! [to me]. The explanations were clear and instructions easy to follow. I'll definitely try out this form of applique.
More than 3 months ago