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Embroidered Botanical Pattern Weights
178 users recommended this class to a friend
Caroline Paniccia
A handy a very beautiful item. It is a easy project whereby you can be very creative when creating your own pattern, then using just a few simple embroidery stitches, you can embroider the images and make a variety of items with the simple square 'pillow'...a pin cushion, sachet, or pattern weight. Remember to sign it somewhere!
4 days ago
L S Johnstone
An interesting class, well presented. A shame there was not a pattern for one patternweight.
March 18
susan bromirski
Fun, easy project that's going to brighten up my sewing & embroidery sessions! I'm definely going to make these as gifts too!
March 15
Cheryl White
It is just a very soothing, visually wonderful way to spend a quiet afternoon and end it feeling like you have had a great visit and cannot wait to share every aspect of the learning and making with other good friends. Thank you.
December 27, 2024
Suzanne Campbell
Rebecca explained and demonstrated everything clearly and in a way that was very easily understood. I love the end product!!!
More than 3 months ago