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Crochet a Donut Rattle
125 users recommended this class to a friend
Susan Paprocki
Being a (very) rusty crochet person, this was a good review of some of the basic stitches and verbage. Most instructions were demonstrated very well, and I was pleased with my final creation. It would be helpful to explain more about the ideal yarn weight and characteristics in the beginning, though. A specific brand of yarn was suggested, however other than it being soft, what made it preferable? I ended up purchasing a different brand of yarn, whose characteristics (too fuzzy, tended to split when pulling stitches through) were not ideal for this project. And she need to SMILE from time to time! All in all, I enjoyed the class. :)
More than 3 months ago
Jennifer Rayna
I loved the class but it git a little confusing when you would say onr time what the row motif was then cut to the next without repeating it. Also on the frosting you said it was the same as rows example 15 to 17 of the donut (I don't remember the exact row number) but then didn't tell me what those rows were. I don't write down the patterns as I make them so maybe that's my error? Either way I was able to make the donut pretty easily besides lots of rewinding lol thank you!
More than 3 months ago