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Advanced Machine Quilting
198 users recommended this class to a friend
Yvette Stroud
touched on a lot of important points that others may not mention
More than 3 months ago
Mardee Brosh
Instructor does a good job of explaining and demonstrating a subject that many quilters are afraid to try. Not sure I'm ready to actually do this yet - I want to get the basic skills down first - but I'm much less afraid to try it than I was before taking the class.
More than 3 months ago
Sandra S Johnson
Ms Nickels sure makes it look easy.. I've taken several different instructors "free-motion" classes. I"m never satisfied with my outcomes! They all had us work cables as one continuous line down and back up.. or left to right and back again,,, your method makes sense because YES the foot does cause blind spots .. you guess where your to drive.. I'll give it another try.. still not a favorite, prefer edge to edge much better..
More than 3 months ago
Georgann Wrinkle
wonderful teacher answering questions almost before I had them thanks Sue
More than 3 months ago